About Alex…

I have been a physio for 15yrs, treating both leisure and competition horses. Originally based in Hampshire, I moved to North Yorkshire in 2019.

My interest in physiotherapy developed during time working on various competition yards and having my own horses treated. Enthused and fascinated by the difference a physio could make to a horse’s way of going and raise early awareness of potentially more complex issues relating to soundness was invaluable. Also bringing to light contributing factors, such as saddle fit, shoeing/trimming, dental care, nutrition, lifestyle and how they affect the horse.

Growing up on a mixed farm in Devon, horses have always been a huge part of my life; from breeding, competing through Pony Club, affiliated eventing to intermediate and dressage to Prix St George. Along the way, I was lucky enough to work for the Spanish Event Team at the Atlanta Olympics.

I have always enjoyed producing young horses, getting to know them, developing a connection and trust, respecting each individual character.

his was especially the case when I worked in racing, riding out and breaking-in. During this time, I had the chance to hone my ‘feel’ – young thoroughbreds are incredibly responsive to palpation.

Horses are amazing creatures and give us so much for so little in return, as do most animals. The lifestyle of the modern horse has changed so much to natures original design, and unfortunately to the detriment of the horse in terms of soundness. So, I believe it is our responsibility to help keep them as comfortable as possible, mentally and physically, to maintain their well-being as best we can. This is a team effort, from you as an owner providing day to day care, to your farrier, vet, physio, saddler, dentist etc, all are important elements to keeping your horse happy and comfortable for as long as possible.